Friday, April 30, 2010

Run Devil Run

Kinda addicted to this song!
Also happy queensday!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

At the moment #04

Reading: Still nothing, but i brought part two of Vampire Diaries so i'm going to start with that very soon!
Loving the Movie:
Favourite Quote: The Zoo: ''An excellent place to study the habits of human beings.''
Feeling: Soooo Happy! Because tomorrow boyfried is comming again, i past for two importent test and it's time for a little holiday!

Game: Pokemon SoulSilver (really really love it!)
Doing: Blogging and talking to some friends on MSN
Loving this picture: (from weheartit)
Watching/listen: Radio 528
Drinking: Cola
Today i was at: School
Must have: I still want a new notbook. But also a new bag and some more stuff

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

"Can't beat my, can't beat my,no you can't beat my pokemon!"

Today was pretty nice! First of all i had school untill 1 o'cloch, with was nice because it's almost time for a holiday! So yeah free early is nice.. Just one more day.. After i got home i at someting and played Pokemon Silversoul, did somehomework, made some webcam picutres with my had and the game and also talked to some friends on MSN. For now i just have to make one more assignment for school.. But i think i will just play some more PKMN now and made the assignment after dinner!

Hope you all had a great day!
And offcourse a little kiss for you all♥!

(also had a picture made when my pidgey evolved into a Pidgeotto, but i'm to layz to upload it on my computer.. Sorry! XD(A))

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Monday, April 26, 2010

Happy Monday!

Hello sweeties!
So i'm back again for a few days. My weekend was great, like alwasy! Saterday we first went to the Elf Fantasy Fair where i bought a new book from vampire dairies and a cute cat hat! (I will make aan picture later!) After the Elf we went to Utrecht to get Nina on the train and also to pick up my boyfriend fromt the train. Sunday we did some shopping and i bought a new jeans and Pokemon SoulSilver! And i love it already! I'm not that far yet but it's great!

Also i have to go back to school in like 70 mins or someting because we have this parents night where we going to show what were doing on school and stuff like that. My group will show a video we made. So yeah.. I really don't want to, but a friend of mine is also comming so i hope it will be a little bit fun! (you just could ask everybody you wanted so yeah..) And for now i will just show you the happy monday pictures again!
Little kiss for you all, on this monday♥!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

At the moment #03

Reading: Still have to start with a new book xD!
Loving the Movie: The Notebook
Favourite Quote: ''Spoon?''
Feeling: irritated by some people on school, happy because tomorrow Nina would be here! And also missing my boyfrined :(

Game: PKMN diamond
Doing: Blogging, talking to a friend on MSN, later i have to edit a movie for school
Loving this picture: (from weheartit)
Watching/listen: The sound of my laptop
Drinking: Cola
Today i was at: School, had two important tets
Must have: Still have to look for a new notebook!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Little hair cut


(hate the picutre, but ah well..)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Zoo: ''An excellent place to study the habits of human beings.''

Some of the pictures i made when boyfriend and i went to the zoo!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Happy Monday!

Hii there!
After 4 days of not blogging i'm back in the world again! (Did you all miss me?) haha! I hope everybodys weekend was great! Well mine was. Saterday boyfriend and i went to the zoo in Emmen and i loved it! It the weather was great and we had a lot of fun! (I will show some pictures tomorrow). And yesterday we went to my mom and went to the beach and made a little walk. Also we drunk someting at the beach. So the weekend was great! And the four days with my boy where even more greater!

And offcourse some pretty pictures on this Happy Monday!
Little kiss for all my dear readers♥!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Dear readers!
I'm so sad to tell you i'm going to leave blog-world for four whole days! Because today my niece is going to marry with her boyfried (or now husband, depend on when you read this). So boyfriend is already coming over today and stays here untill sunday! So i won't post a thing.. Maybe i will post someting in the weekend but i'm not sure about that..

Also i wanted to thank all of you we leave a comment on my blog! It makes me so happy everytime when somebody leaves someting! I just can make my day alright!

And offcourse i wish you al aan great weekend and i see you on monday again! with offcourse a new Happy Monday! I love you all!
And offcourse the little kiss for all of you again♥!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tag: Movies

Monday and yesterday i got taged by Priscilla, Amanda and Mindcross, thank you girls! I'm love it when somboday tags me! actually it's a dutch tag but ah well i just translated it for all the english readers! (So maybe some bad english, sorry for that!)

1) Do you like to watch movies?
Yes i do! I love them! Ecpecially fantasy movies and stuff like that!
2) Do you prefure to watch them alone or togehter?
I don't mind, if i want to watch one i just going to look a movie. But with two is also fun!
3) cinema or at home?
Both! Because some movies i just want to see at the cinema! Like Alice in Wonderland, twilight and so!
4) What's your favorite genre?
5) With movie you can watch over and over again?
Movies like Harry Potter and movies where Helena Bonham Carter plays in!
6) Whats you favorite action movie?
Angels and Demons
7) Whats you facorite horror movie?
Sweeney Todd!
8) Whats your favorite comedy movie?
Meet the fockers, Scary Movie and so!
9) Whats you favorite romantic movie?
The notebook and the proposal
10) Favorite actress?
Helena Bonham Carter offcourse!
11) Favorite actor?
Johhney Depp!
12) Best movie you ever saw?
I have no idea! I love a lot of movies.. So i'm not going to answer this! xD
13) Worst movie you ever saw
I've no idea, forgot the name i quess! xD
14) Do you want to become a actress/actor
Maybe for one movie.. but further not really
15) From wich book/person/game they have to make a movie?
Ehh i have no idea.. xD

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

"Twinkle twinkle little bat, how I wonder where you're at. Up above the world you fly, like a tea tray in the sky. Twinkle twinkle"

As you can see, i was bored at school today.. so i made this little Drinking tea in Wonderland drawing.. xD!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Happy Monday!

So after two weeks here's a new happy monday again! Last week it was easter and my boyfriend was here, so i thought we dind't need one, right? Today the happy monday is also a little late, sorry for that! But i was bussy with school and cooking dinner for myself!

I hope you all had a great weekend and a lovley monday! Otherwish i hope this pictures cheer you all a little up!
A little kiss for all of you on this monday♥!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

For me this is heaven...

London i miss you :(

Friday, April 9, 2010

'I can pretty much get in touch with my evil side, pretty easily.'

Just because i love Kelly Hu even more now she's playing in the vampire diaries! Since X-men 2 i already adore her! And i'm so glad she now playing in the vampire diaries! So yeah like i said, i love her now even more!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

At the moment #02

Reading: Nothing, still have to start with a new book!
Loving the Movie: Tin Man
Favourite Quote: ''All the ancient classic fairy tales have always been scary and dark.'' (Helena Bonham Carter)
Feeling: Okey, a little cold and i miss my boyfriend

Game: Treasure Isle (facebook game)
Doing: Blogging, talking to a friend on MSN
Loving this picture:

Drinking: Cola
Today i was at: School
Must have: A new notebook and more money!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The girl who still loves pokemon!

And i can't wait till i can buy the new game!
But first i need money.. wich i don't have.. so yeah.. :(