Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Some music today!

Like i told a couple of days before i had a very important test today. And thank god i made it! I passed! I was so happy when the teacher told me everyting was okey and i made it! I just cold make a little dance because i was so nervous in the morning! After i got home again from school i went to my mom's and stayed there for the afternoon, we walked to the beach and looked in some shops. Today was beautyfull and i really loved the weather today!

So today i want to share some musical songs with you! Because yesterday i was in a kind of musical mood. Some of them are in dutch and some not.. Ah well enoy!

Kiss to all my sweet readers!♥


  1. Ik wist niet dat je ook een blog had !
    super super leuk :D

  2. Congratulations darling!
    I'm so happy for you!!
    Today was not realy my day.. But the weather
    was realy beautiful! Hope we'll have this kind of weather this weekend!

  3. Gefeliciteerd! 8-)
    Moest je nou wassen of bedden opmaken? :D

    Haha die musical van Belle was echt suuper leuk! :D
    derest heb ik niet gezien :+

  4. Hee! Toen ik nog bij m'n ouders woonde had ik dat bed & dat dekbedovertrek ook!
