Thursday, June 24, 2010

At the Moment #07

Reading: Yeah.. ehh nothing?
Loving the Movie: Dragonball (saw it this weekend with the boyfriend)
Favourite Quote:
Feeling: Happy! Because i'm off from school tomorrow, so i just have three days off! And then it's just one more week till the holidays!

Game: Pokémon SoulSilver
Doing: Blogging, Talking to friends & the boyfriend
Loving this picture: (from weheartit)

Watching/listen: House
Drinking: Nothing
Today i was at:
Must have: A ticket to wonderland with the boyfriend ♥


  1. nzdklgudhsngusdf;dnh :D
    i like, like those updates!!

  2. heehallooo!
    ik heb je een award gegeven op mijn blog,
    kijk maar wat je ermee doet :)
