Monday, June 28, 2010

"Who can believe that there is no soul behind those luminous eyes!"






Because there's a new kitty cat in town!
(and i was kinda bored)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

At the Moment #07

Reading: Yeah.. ehh nothing?
Loving the Movie: Dragonball (saw it this weekend with the boyfriend)
Favourite Quote:
Feeling: Happy! Because i'm off from school tomorrow, so i just have three days off! And then it's just one more week till the holidays!

Game: Pokémon SoulSilver
Doing: Blogging, Talking to friends & the boyfriend
Loving this picture: (from weheartit)

Watching/listen: House
Drinking: Nothing
Today i was at:
Must have: A ticket to wonderland with the boyfriend ♥

Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Monday!

Feeling good today, did my anatomy test at school, out of school around 12.45 pm, did some stuff for my dad, cleand up around me, sunny!, picking up boyfriend soon from the station, going to a wedding tomorrow wich means i don't have to go to school! And just two more weeks and then it's time voor VACTION! Today is good!



also going to try to make more pictures for the blog, so i don't have to use them from all te time (A)

Friday, June 18, 2010

Uni Jack Overnight Bag





I'm in love ♥!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

When i look up to the sky...




I really love it when the sky turn into a pink/blue one in the evening. It's just like you can enter to another world or someting like that... (Yeah dream on girl!) But anyways above some pictures of the sky yesterday around 21.30♥

Also i'm going to blog more again! Well.. i'm gonna try it, because sometimes i just don't feel the need to blog or someting like that.. But on the otherhand i just love it! So i'm doing my best (:

Bye lovelys!
& offcourse a little kiss for you all ♥!


Friday, June 11, 2010

At the Moment #06

Reading: Book three of the potter ones
Loving the Movie: Alice in Wonderland
Favourite Quote: Don't have one at the moment
Feeling: Tired but also so happy! Because boyfriend is coming soon ♥♥ !

Game: Pokemon Ranger
Doing: Blogging, Talking to friends, looking for pretty pictures and blogs
Loving this picture: (from weheartit) Watching/listen: House
Drinking: Nothing
Today i was at: School
Must have: A ticket to wonderland with the boyfriend ♥

Monday, June 7, 2010

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Please? Can i see it RIGHT NOW!?